• There are four rounds of preliminary tryouts. We will form 75-80% of the final roster within the first round of tryouts.

  • August 31st is final callbacks in which any TK athlete that has accepted their spot on their original team will have an opportunity to be invited back to fill any spots.

    A good way to increase your chances of callbacks is getting in the gym and working hard! The more we see an athlete’s improvement and desire to learn— the better.

    If you want it, you got to work for it!

  • If you make another team at a different club, you do not legally have to sign any contracts or pay any fees until September 1st.

    If a club is forcing you to put money down, you have the option to wait until you are firm in your decision.

    You are still allowed to tryout and be a part of TK!

  • TK is special because everyone in the gym knows each other, supports one another, and trains together.

    We are partnering up with NO EZY BUCKETS this year which includes the partnership with Dustin Watten, TJ Sanders, and Jeff Jendryk- all of which are professional players that have played at the highest level of volleyball and are working with us to get all of our TK athletes prepared for the highest level.

    TK also has mindset, meditation, and/or film sessions every practice depending on what mindful practices are trained that day.

    We care about the ENTIRE player -not just how good they are. Attitude, effort, communication, teamwork, mindset, and who they are as a person matters to us.

    Our strength and conditioning programs are designed for the individual and the team. Which means, if the athlete wants to do a lifting program- we will create a program for that athletes specific needs.